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The first few classes will of neccesity be mostly calesthenics. Once you start to get in shape and I can trust you to do the exercises on your own time, we will start to learn the basics. I've spent 20 years practicing Martial Arts, the last 10 of which I've been developing a personal system. Once I found the teachings of Su DongChen, I realized I had been re-inventing the wheel. He was already at the place I wanted to go. He has distilled the arts to the essence, while still being comprehensive.
Master Su's methods don't rely very much on weaponry, so as a supplement we will practice the complementary methods of XingYi, KenJutsu, and Krav Maga. That doesn't sound like much but thats really enough for a lifetime. The nature of these so-called "internal styles" is rather than learn many techniques, you internalize a few good principles. I can't completely forget about my previous work, so at the higher levels we will touch on other Chinese and Japanese styles, including the work of SunLuTang, a little WingChun, and my own version of Randori that combines HapKiDo, Tomiki Aikido and TaiJutsu.
Master Su's methods don't rely very much on weaponry, so as a supplement we will practice the complementary methods of XingYi, KenJutsu, and Krav Maga. That doesn't sound like much but thats really enough for a lifetime. The nature of these so-called "internal styles" is rather than learn many techniques, you internalize a few good principles. I can't completely forget about my previous work, so at the higher levels we will touch on other Chinese and Japanese styles, including the work of SunLuTang, a little WingChun, and my own version of Randori that combines HapKiDo, Tomiki Aikido and TaiJutsu.
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